Every submission is important, and that they are individualised (slightly different) to be classed as separate. A template of copy and paste won’t work as they will be bundled together and counted as one.
Please read all the information below before anything else
Save Greater Manchester’s Greenbelt Group (SGMGB) has commissioned planning consultants to give a professional view of the PfE Plan. With their help, SGMGB will be submitting overarching comments. Many other Green Belt groups and like-minded organisations will be submitting representations.
Here are three files for you to download
They contain helpful information from which you can cut & paste bits and change to suit you, as part of your personal consultation response.
This consultation asks “Is the PfE Plan Sound“.
To help you understand this ‘Soundness’ please go to:
Please prepare what you want to say beforehand so that you don’t forget anything
- General Advice:
- It’s easy to respond – either online, by email, or by letter – see instructions below
- However you decide to submit your comments get the information you want to include together beforehand. That way you won’t miss anything out you need to say.
- Anyone age 13 or over can object, so make sure your family, friends and neighbours all complete a submission.
- You MUST include your name and address in a written response. Your name will be published, but NOT your address.
- This consultation is a test of whether the PfE plan is sound. We must demonstrate, using the four tests of soundness, that it is not. We must also refer to planning policies (NPPF).
- In your response just pick a few reasons that are most important to you and use those. PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE as this will be counted as a standard/template response which does not carry as much weight as a personal response. Please write our comments in your own words.
- If you want to make it really simple, complete online at: https://www.gmconsult.org/communications-and-engagement-team/pfe/consultation/
It’s easier than you may expect and there is only one question to answer in the Cross-Boundary section: Question 77 JPA 2 Stakehill
- Using the Online Portal:
- Don’t leave it till the last minute – Check your connection is working a day or two before you plan to submit your comments.
- Although the consultation contains questions on many parts of the plan there is only ONE question you NEED to answer: Q 77 JPA 2 Stakehill. Other than giving your personal details in Q 1, you can choose whether to answer any other questions or not. Please read through these instructions before you begin.
- You can start your response on the online portal and save it to finish or edit later if you wish, you do not need to complete it in one session. Just don’t press the ‘Submit’ button till you’re sure you’re finished.
- To start go to https://www.gmconsult.org/communications-and-engagement-team/pfe/consultation/ Then click on “About You”
- Complete your details, then click “Continue”. You must complete this section.
- Next select “Cross Boundary”, then scroll down to Q 77 JPA 2 Stakehill
- The picture shows the format of the question. If you think the plan is Unsound click those check boxes.
- Unless you believe otherwise we suggest you click “Yes” for the Legally Compliant and Duty to Co-operate boxes
- There are now TWO further boxes to complete. Please fill in the FIRST BOX stating the reasons why JPA 2 Stakehill is unsound. You’ll find our suggestions on the documents above, which you can download.
- Finally, complete the second box with the modification you are seeking. This might be for JPA 2 Stakehill to be removed from the PfE. Plan
- If you want to answer any further questions then go to the relevant sections.
- Once you have completed all the questions you want to answer, scroll down to the bottom and press “continue” and follow the instructions to complete your submission.
- Responding by Email or Letter:
- PfE recommend you use the template they have prepared to make sure that your response is in the correct format. This is the file linked called “pfe-consultation-response-form.pdf”. Or, to download the template response yourself go to https://www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk/what-we-do/planning-and-housing/places-for-everyone/consultation-2021/
- The instructions above should help you complete the template as the questions are in a similar format to the online portal
- For more help with how to respond you can call: 0161 778 7006 or email: planningandhousing@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
Remember, the key reason this allocation should be removed from PfE is it’s ALL Green Belt land,
which is protected by national planning policy