Last December (2019) we placed a number of ‘diffusion tubes’ around Slattocks to monitor Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2).
These tubes only give an average reading over the time they are in place.

See the results of this project by clicking here
We did this in conjunction with the British Lung Foundation (BLF). They are keen to raise awareness about the affects of air pollution on us all.
Now we’ve installed a more sophisticated air quality monitor – the Zephyr by Earthsense .
Gerard Skelly said:
“Living on a busy main road I think it’s so important that I’ve got access to the Green Belt for fresh air and exercise“
” I want the Government to make tougher laws to reduce the levels of pollution”
“I’m very happy to ‘do my bit’ to help monitor air quality in the area”

Further information on the BLF’s work can be found here: British Lung Foundation